Media Appearances


ND program aims to help priests, seminarians minister to abuse survivors
By John Lavenburg

National Catholic Register

Interview included in article by Meghan Schultz titled, “Easing Anxiety in Children: COVID Generation Sees Increase in Stress” (April 21, 2022).

Ep. 36: The Beautiful Difficulty of Forgiveness - A Special Feature with Dr. Tim Lock

Switala, R. P., & Mazzone, J. (Producers). (2022, April 11). Lock [Audio podcast episode]. In RENAR Voice. Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho of Chi Sigma Iota, Liberty University.

Catholic Faith Network - Conversations with Cardinal Dolan

interviewed by His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan (April 6, 2022)

Sirius XM: The Catholic Channel - Conversations with Cardinal Dolan

interviewed by His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan (April 5, 2022)

How to Choose Forgiveness: A Priest and A Psychologist on How to Break Free From Resentment, interview by Zelda Caldwell. (March 30, 2022).

Dr. Timothy Lock Chats About His New Book, ‘Choosing Forgiveness: Unleashing the Power of God’s Grace’

Sirius XM: The Catholic Channel – Busted Halo, interview by Fr. Dave Dwyer (March 29, 2022).

Choosing Forgiveness - The Modern ‘F-word’

The Pillar, interview by Charlie Camosy. (March 18, 2022).

Catholic Seminary Evaluations: Time to Reboot?

National Catholic Register, interview included in article by Joan Frawley Desmond. (April 3, 2019).

Jesuit priest comes out in support of radical Canadian transgender ‘rights’ bill

Life Site News, interview included in article by Lianne Laurence. (February 3, 2017).

Episode Three: Insights from the Medical and Social Sciences, interviewed by Chuck Weber

Invited to Courageous Love: The Catholic Church and Homosexuality (September, 2015).




Goretti Center for Healing & Forgiveness
2 Old New Milford Road, Suite 2A
Brookfield, CT 06804 USA


Brookfield, CT, Hebron, CT, and Yonkers, NY